Used Cars Near Waukesha


Used Cars Near Waukesha

You might be looking for affordable used cars near Waukesha. But, increasing prices and low inventory mean that car shopping has gotten a lot more difficult. Don’t panic! Working with a trustworthy Waukesha used car dealership, like Ewald Chevrolet, is the easiest way to find the perfect used car. Our sales team goes above and beyond to help customers find and finance their dream used cars. This article will detail the car shopping process at Ewald Chevrolet.

Where To Buy Used Cars

When it’s time for you to buy used cars near Waukesha, where are you planning to shop for one? There are several places you can buy a car:

  • Private Sale

  • Auction

  • Waukesha Used Car Dealership

When you shop at a Waukesha used car dealership, like Ewald Chevrolet, you have the convenience of having many used cars for sale in one location. You don’t have to waste your energy running around the Waukesha area searching for reliable, high-quality cars.

Also, buying from a used car dealer near you is not as risky as a private sale or auction. Ewald Chevrolet inspects each used car for sale near Waukesha within our inventory. That way, you get an excellent product every time. You don’t have that guarantee with other places.

How To Buy A Used Car

We understand that the car shopping process can seem daunting. So, we have set out the steps that you should take to buy used cars for sale near Waukesha at Ewald Chevrolet:

  1. Create your budget. A good rule of thumb is to keep your total car costs between 10% and 15% of your take-home pay. You can use our auto loan calculator to help determine what fits in your budget.

  2. Choose the right car type. Take some time to think about how you will use this car. Then, write down a list of features you must have. For example, if you have a family of six, you will want to fit everyone in your car. That means you need a minivan or SUV.

  3. Use Ewald’s Car Finder. Go to our website and enter your needs and budget into our car finder. Then, we will match you to used cars for sale near Waukesha that fit your specifications.

  4. Check the vehicle history report. You can find out the service history, previous accidents, and more. See each cars’ history using this free feature on our website.

  5. Come to our used car dealer near you. We think it’s essential to get an in-person look at each of your top choices. Visit Ewald Chevrolet to see what each model has to offer.

  6. Test drive the used car. Choose a test-drive route with a little bit of everything: curves, hills, and even highways. That way, you can get an objective look at how the car handles.

What Is Good Mileage For A Used Car

You should assume that an average car owner puts about 12,000 miles on a car each year as a general rule. So, you can multiply 12,000 by the car’s age to determine good mileage for a used car.

All used cars at Ewald Chevrolet have abundant life left. Modern cars are lasting longer than ever. So, you don’t have to be as concerned about what good mileage is for your next used car. We inspect each of our used cars near Waukesha to ensure that they are high-quality and safe to drive. Rest assured that we offer a warranty for used car sales if you are concerned. This warranty is for up to 3 years or 100,000 miles from the time of purchase. 

What To Look For When Buying A Used Car

Buying used cars near Waukesha can be a good option when looking for high-quality cars with a more affordable price tag. There’s a lot to look for when buying used cars, but Ewald Chevrolet has broken it down to make car shopping as easy and stress-free as possible. Below is a list of things you should consider when buying a used car: 

  • Price: You can negotiate the price of your next car. But, you want to start with a price in your budget.

  • Comfort: You should be comfortable inside your next car. So, make sure to sit in all the seats.

  • Fuel Economy: Gas is expensive, so you don’t want to have to go to the pump regularly. Choose a car with good fuel economy.

  • Handling: Driving your next car should be fun. So, take your next car for a test drive with different driving situations to get a real feel of the car. 

Buy Used Cars At Ewald Chevrolet!

At Ewald Chevrolet, our customers walk away from our dealership with their dream car at an affordable price. Stop by today to get started shopping!